Tonight 07 Schramsberg w/ a plate of scallops and bacon followed by a 1997 Corison Kronos Cab w/ a double fried egg bacon cheeseburger. Assuming I do not die overnight from cardiac arrest I was wondering if there are any Las Vegas local Berserkers. My wife and I are relatively new ( 4 yrs ) to Las Vegas and even newer to wine ( 2 yrs ). Curious if there are any opportunities to meet with other wine people.?
Yes…I’m out there. I have not been real involved with the Berserkers, but have been on other boards. I came here after the E-Bob fiasco. There are maybe half a dozen Vegas folks that occasionally post. Feel free to send me a message and maybe we could meet up. Lotus gets a lot of attention here, but mainly from tourists.
Welcome to WB!
I spend a lot of time out in Las Vegas and have met a number of people around town. I usually coordinate wine dinners with Joe Hauck…so I’d reach to him.
PM sent
I’m in town maybe half the time.
Couldn’t you just go to LOS, put a sign on your table marked “Berserkers Riesling Offline” and snag four or five a night?