Kutch - January 23rd......

2010 Kutch Sonoma Coast, Pinot Noir $39
2010 Kutch Savoy Vineyard, Anderson Valley, Pinot Noir $50


I’ll be sharing my allocation to anyone interested…pm me.
Done. Thanks.

Anyone have any thoughts on these wines? I’ll probably take what I’m offered, but some input would help decide if I should ask for extras.

To anyone,
What are the allocations looking like?

3 x 2010 Sonoma Coast $39
3 x 2010 Savoy Vineyard $50

3 & 3 for me, but I’m pretty new to the list…

Thanks Tyler and Kevin [cheers.gif]

Yes, 3 + 3 here as well

I think all the allocations are the same, but wishlist grants may be according to seniority / previous purchases.

You are correct Frank. All allocations are the same across the board. Then, wish-lists are granted according to buying history since the brand began. Hope this helps.

In the Fall, I will release our other 2 wines from the vintage:

2010 McDougall Ranch, Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir
2010 Falstaff, Sonoma Coast, Pinot Noir

Hope this helps.

Is it Fall yet?? [wow.gif] flirtysmile



I am sitting on most of the 07s…any recommendations on when they will be in a good drinking zone (I have tried a few of the Sonoma and they were fine but seemed they needed time)?

Length of time on wait list?


My feeling is that the 07’s are drinking. I would be opening Kanzler and Sonoma Coast before McDougall, but wouldn’t be shy about cracking into any of them at this point. They seem to be in a good spot at present. As for 08 Sonoma Coast, I too would be drinking it at this point and holding the 09’s. If push comes to shove with the 09’s, I would open Savoy and Sonoma Coast. The others (McDougall, Falstaff and Anderson Valley) shouldn’t be touched.


It is difficult to gauge the waiting list because of my slow growth. While in the last few years the mailing list has continued to grow, my production has not as I simply haven’t found sites which I believe will give me what I want in my wines. I am hopeful that this will rectify itself this year in that I have some strong leads for some great quality fruit. That would mean I should bring a good number of people over from the waiting list to the active list in 2 years.


Jamie - Your 09 Savoy was delicious. I tasted it shortly after having enjoyed an 09 Radio Coteau Savoy. Both strike that wonderful balance for me with inviting fruit and a tartness that keeps things lively and bringing you back for more.
Seems to me that vineyard is a nice match for your intended style.

My guess on the McDougall Ihad last Fall was that I opened it too early. Quite dark and stony. Maybe I should have opened it in a dark room listening to Carissa’s Wierd. I will wait on my other two.


Just had the 2007 Kanzler and McDougal in the past week. I wholeheartedly agree with Jamie’s assessment of how these wines were performing. The Kanzler was screaming right out of the bottle (my only wish was that I could raid Jamie’s library). The McDougal was also very good but could benefit from about another year in the bottle.

Hope this helps