Krug NV v Vintage

Im sticking with NV, Krug is fantastic champagne but they did politely tell us to get lost when we knocked on their big gate one day !!

Can’t blame them for trying to coin a less perjorative term, especially for a product as steeped in romance as Champagne - don’t you think the ‘non-‘ prefix makes it sounds like juice bought in bulk and randomly thrown together? I don’t think it’s just Krug either where the term is warranted (cf LP Grand Siecle)

Maybe because you used NV instead of MV? :wink:

It is similar to those of us in the grocery business: we are changing the name of our Perishables warehouses to Fresh warehouses. Same thing, one sounds better than the other.

Most NV are not blended with the depth of different vintages that Krug puts in theirs. Typically you see like 3 recent vintages blended into a NV designated wine. There’s nothing wrong with that of course but what Krug does is not the norm, and I can understand them wanting to let buyers know that.