Ketan Mody's First Harvest


No wonder it took eleven years.

In Crazyfornia, he’s lucky he got any permits at all.

PS: I hate to keep being Mr Doom & Gloom, but living in a “Cabin”, in a high risk area for both wildfires & mudslides - not to mention rattlesnakes & mountain lions - is not exactly a job description for the faint of heart.

PPS: And I wouldn’t be surprised if the wild turkeys could be rather aggressive themselves. [A few years ago, I had a wild turkey wander out into the middle of the road, in front of our pickup truck, and it must have been six or seven feet tall. My jaw kinda dropped at the sight of it.]

PPPS: Apparently in Germany now, they can’t get the kids anymore to work the cliffs where the Riesling grapes grow - the kids are all too fat & comfortable to want to assume the risk of a job like that.

Seven foot turkeys? Amazing. These guys will take care of them:

You know, I just went over to the NWTF website, and their records look rather small compared to what I saw that day, so now I’m starting to wonder what species it really was.

It was living in some scrub brush [arising from an old clear cut logging], next to one of the county’s satellite solid waste collection centers, and I suspect that it was jumping the fence at night and engorging itself on all the discarded food in the Dempsey Dumpsters.

I remember thinking that if it [whatever the heck it was] were to charge you, then it could probably gouge the heck out of you with its beak & its talons.

Apparently the deer will do that to you [if they’re in a bad mood] - they’ll rise up on their hind legs and attack you with their front hooves [which are said to be very sharp].

Anyway, the point of all this is that I wouldn’t to be facing down those kinds of creatures on the top of a mountainside without a loaded 12-gauge shotgun at my side.

Or, at a bare minimum, an aluminum baseball bat.

Or a nice long length of cast iron pipe.

A 6 or 7 for turkey WTF? A drumstick the size of a tennis racket-yum.

Orders are live

Looks Doug Wilder made it up to the mountain and will have a review of a vertical (2011 - 2014) of Beta.

Look forward to the read

I love this thread!! Mountaintop cabins, Indian burial ground, 11 years to first wine and 7 foot turkeys!!

My goodness, who cares what is in the bottle… I am IN!!

And don’t forget the Greatest Living Hip Hop Producer alive!

Ketan’s first white drops on June 25th! A one and done special wine from Chuey.

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