kapcsandy hits...

me likely… I bought my allotment, one of the few producers I’ll be going “all in”…

Kapcsandy also hit… :slight_smile:

I bought mine!

cutting way back this year on Napa wines but will be buying as much as I can on this one.

Same here. I dropped off almost all lists with wines over $100 except for a select few and Kapcsandy was top of the list of the select few that I will stay on. Lou and family have always been good to me and they are a class operation. I really love the wines and can not wait to be drinking these over the next 20+ years. No brainer for me.

Thought I was on the list - but haven’t seen anything in months from them. My guess is you guys are in the tippy-top-insiders-greater-than-grand-vin club. My guess is the masses probably have to wait (with higher prices). Or I got dropped. Either way prices are getting crazy high on these.

Yes, it was the Grand Vin Club. I couldn’t take my full allocation, but I still bought a mixed case. I think Roberta’s Reserve is the best Merlot made anywhere (and that includes the right bank), or at least 07 and 08 were. I have not had the 09 yet, but I am buying. Lou and his family are quite generous and perfectionists. I am also dropping most of my high end lists as I have trouble finding a good time to open them, but this is one I am keeping.

GVC offer ends tomorrow.

Went all in as well. I gotta agree with Loren, at least in Cali, nobody comes even close to the Roberta’s for Merlot.

Does anyone know if they are doing the two-tier pricing thing again this year?

One of the rules of GVC (not a member) seems to be not to talk about pricing … so I’m guessing yes.



I plan on purchasing every single bottle my wife let’s me get my hands on. GV, here we come…

Could not have said it better myself.

Can I ask you guys a question? I feel like these babies are going to be sick in about 10 years time, and I feel like I’m not doing them justice by drinking early(although they are delish now, especially the GV IMO). Are you guys popping a lot of these now? My '12 resolution is to try my best not to drink wines before their time.

Absolutely love their wines. My last experience with a GV was when I opened one about a week ago at a wine dinner. Even though the wine was slow ox’d for 8 hours and then decanted for 3 hours, it was still a tannic monster, but the wine in the glass opened quite a bit over the course of the 2 hour dinner. Don’t get me wrong, it was still an excellent wine drinking experience but the fruit was somewhat obscured so it caused me to resolve not to try another GV for 5 years. So, I guess my answer is that I try not to drink them young but sometimes I can’t help myself.

can anyone compare the differences between '08 and '09?

The ordinary offer just hit. Happy to see the price of the GV was lowered $50 per bottle this year! I am in for:

2009 Cabernet Sauvignon - Grand Vin 2-pack (2KA09CS75) 470.00 1 470.00
2009 Estate Cuvee - Cabernet Sauvignon 3-pack (3KA09EC75) 345.00 1 345.00

Based on what I tasted at the winery last year this was an instant buy, to me the 2009 GV was 98-100 points. This is the most expensive Cab I buy every year.

They are still going by first-come first-serve, wonder how fast this will go this time.

+1 on everything Nick just said for me too…
