K and L shipping to certain states

Dang, there goes my idea of opening a wine and spirits store.

Steve, with all do respect, thatā€™s a false assertion. I promise, THEY CARE. No one in the wine business is looking to do less business. Most likely they havenā€™t found a viable shipping solution for NC yet.

Makes one wonder whether or not they are collecting sales tax for the states for which they are using third party shippers.

Keep in mind, the liquor lobby, nationwide, is the largest contributor by industry to state legislators. They pay big bribes to keep liquor laws the way they want them.

i am sure on some levels they do. but when there is a will there is a way. benchmark shipped direct to me last week.
i guess itā€™s like the old adage, if you arenā€™t cheating, you arenā€™t trying.

Bingo. What they contribute in NY is [wow.gif]