James Sucking now on Cellartracker

Co-subscribers can see his reviews now. Probably a good move for Eric to incorporate all reviewers that CT users find useful.

I live in Tuscany

A velvety smooth transition, I’m 97 points on that!

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Dumb question - but why is it that wine.com can show every JS review, inline to the product page, without being a JS subscriber, while CT cannot?

I felt violated receiving that email, filling my inbox with his mug.


wine.com pays a lot of money in license fees for that privilege. CT pays nothing - they just facilitate the integration with your own paid account.

Thanks. Was sort of guessing along those lines but was finding it hard to believe given how many places the reviews can be found. It’s like they’re effectively free but all at once not free.

I was really happy that CT offered me the “disable” button to make sure that no Suckling commentary appears in my interface.

While I respect CT’s efforts to include all sources, even ones that I find have actual negative value, this still made me a little sad.

Average CT scores just jumped 6+ points. pileon


Rich, tell me how to do this, please. I don’t have any interest in this content being in my CT feed.

It’s content for the masses, not the elites!



Henceforth why I need to make sure that content is disabled. My realm of knowledge and aptitude in the wine space is beyond the means and comprehension of most, even those who frequent this forum. [rofl.gif]

brigcampbell you can educate me I am sure on the correct button to push when I see you tomorrow.

Instructions on disabling content here:

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Dig! Thank you.

What bearing does the bolded part have on adding Suckling? [snort.gif]

Why would you want content disabled? He is going to make you feel so much better about all those 92 point wines in your cellar. They are now 96 point wines!

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Not sure if it is a coincidence but for the last 30 mins CT on my iphone was very unresponsive, like scanning barcodes or labels was giving me a spinning pacifier for 2 mins and then a time out.
Could it be the JS virus infected their servers ? [stirthepothal.gif]



This announcement probably says more about what CT is driving towards. It makes sense.

I agree! Wonder what he makes a year.

Great detective work. You cracked the case. 100 points to you! [cheers.gif]

You can disable auto loading of remote images (mostly trackers), no JS mug for me.
