I didn’t see any comment here, but Ian D’Agata recently covered Ontario wine for IWC.
I used to live up on Toronto and we visited Niagara fairly frequently. IMHO it is the best wine region in North America outside of CA, OR and WA. It’s good to finally see some decent coverage by one of the major publications.
I think the region is especially promising for Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Franc. Ian doesn’t seem to have covered the Loire-like Francs in the report to any great extent, but its still a great first step.
Unfortunately the wines are largely non-existent outside of Ontario. Still… worth keeping an eye out for them if you get the chance. If i counted correctly he rated 50 wines with scores over 90+. That might be slightly generous, but the wines coming out of Niagara really are exciting. I didn’t see any Prince Edward County wines in the review, but they may be even more exciting!