My Dad was born in 1940 and I would like to get him a bottle of 1940 vintage cognac. I was born in 1966 and turn 50 this year and want to get myself a bottle of 1966 Cognac to open with family and friends on my Bday. Can anyone help track down these specific vintages?
Thanks for your help
I would ask/email fellow Berserker Larry Kaplan. He keeps a pretty nice list of cognac/armagnac
You might have better luck finding these vintages in an Armagnac rather than a Cognac. I know Chateau de Laubade has an excellent reputation for their older vintage Armagnacs though I haven’t tried them. Here’s an online source for Laubade’s 1940 Vintage (they also list the 1966): CHATEAU DE LAUBADE 1940 VINTAGE ARMAGNAC
Also, here’s a Cellartracker tasting note on the Laubade 1940 vintage: Search tasting notes for 'laubade armagnac 1940' - CellarTracker
There were some differences in legislation between Cognac and Armagnac, so vintage Armagnac is more common than vintage Cognac, as David points out, but there are some exceptions. Delamain is one, they have made a 1940, but I don’t know if it is available.
1940 Darroze Bataille Armagnac (750ml) (Previously $1600)
1940 Darroze Bataille Armagnac (750ml) - SKU 1057664 ($749)
May have to log-in to see/get that price, but there is one for you. Never tried this one, but really like Darroze as a house.