Is your vehicle vanity license plate wine related ?

In ‘Murica, you’d be arrested for that!

I know someone who used to have RCHBRG


The first wine plate I ever saw was that of the late Robert Finnegan: PourVin. Josh Jensen had MrPinot…didn’t see it on his new Porsche. Bob Lindquist of Qupe had K Syrah…his wife had QupeDol. Zelma Long had ZVinMkr or something like that.There are a million Silver Oak license plate holder that read something like …life is a cabernet old chum…

The other day I was driving on the Silverado Trail and spotted a guy with MEGARED plates…I passed him but he was wearing a ski mask.

Oregon once banned license plate references to alcohol, but they often did not recognize some of the obscure wine references. Now they sell wine country plates. Go figure.
They also ban references to sex. But that’s another story.
Phil Jones


Anybody have Wineaux? :slight_smile:


I('ve spotted: PNO NOR

Dr Wineberg has a fix for… oops, thought that was PNO MOR.

I’ve seen ZINMSTR.

Yesterday in St Helena I was cut off by a BMW 435 with the plate FRMNTD and then in Sonoma I was following a MBz SUV with the plate GRDCRU2. It’s a daily occurrence out here.

Randy Sloan, owner of now defunct Match vineyards, had a licence plate on his VW Beetle… MAKE CAB

Yes, it is. But I probably can’t say it as it could be viewed as a commercial post by the mods.

I saw an ENOFILE in my town once

No vanity plates here. Just good old fashioned vanity.

My dad has two:

He’s been offered some healthy sums for the former. Guessing it’ll be part of my inheritance. I had to borrow his car for a while during college once and my friends got a kick out of it due to my less than friendly attitude

Ralph Kunkee, the late UC Davis Microbiologist had a plate that read:

a little nod to the bacteria that does ML (now taxonomically out of date)

A bit too long for a plate, but this (seen in Norway a few years ago) would make a good bumper sticker

I ordered this…

Many years ago there was a motorcycle on campus with the plate “CARNOT”. Today that could be considered wine related, though I know it was not.

Good pun, in any case.