Is Lynzie No Longer At Marcassin????

Is Lynzie gone now? Her email address is still listed at the bottom of the most recent newsletter but I tried to email her and it bounced back as unknown recipient. I’m trying to get in touch with them to see if they have the permit to ship to Maryland yet but they leave NO CONTACT info by which to reach them. How annoying! How does a current customer inquire as to such things?


I saw that as well…tried to email Lynzie…bounce back. I’m just trying to figure out when they plan to ship 2006 Pinot orders. Any idea from anyone? Beuller?


They are shipping them out this week. The email address is wrong. There is no “s” at the end of marcassin vineyard.

Another example of stellar customer service from Marcassin.

Thanks. I’ll try that email address. I just don’t understand why they don’t give their CURRENT customers their contact info. Being that I closed my account at 55 Degrees, how am I to inquire as to an alternate shipping method? What if I have a corked bottle? What if my wine was delivered damaged? What if I wanted to write a nice note to tell them I enjoyed the wine? What if my wife runs out on me and I need a shoulder to cry on? What’s your frequency, Marcassin???

Face it Justin, they just don’t give a rat’s ass about past, current or future customers. I’m sure they are of the opinion they will NEVER run out of customers. Then again, I’m sure the Romans thought they were going to last forever too.

Do they not have a telephone number?

Also, if you don’t like how they are running things, don’t continue to support them financially.

Indeed they do: (707) 258-3608.

Good luck, however, getting anyone to answer - or respond to any voice mail you leave.

Thanks to Slywka, the email address he provided worked and Lynzie responded to my email yesterday. The fact that they are a “small operation” and can’t feasibly apply for the permit to Maryland (or Virginia or a host of other states) isn’t the best response but Lynzie was nice enough given her likely lack of say with upper management in such matters. How can operations like SQN, Lillian, Screaming Eagle, Aubert, Alban and others figure out a way to apply for these permits but Marcassin decides not to? FRUSTRATING! Maybe they’ll read this thread and just kick me off the list.

Justin the list of winery permits can be found be digging around on the Maryland Comptroller’s web site. The solution is to ship to DC. They will send it there and no sales taxes collect. That’s serious money for a Marcassin order.