IMPORTANT UPDATE!! Playground (OC)--July 24th, Thursday @ 5PM

Well, looks like I delayed too long with Playground. I left them a VM on Sunday to book us for 6PM and they cannot take us at that time. They can have us in at 5PM, provided we give the seating back by 715PM.

Looks like I never declared a time in the thread above so at this point, the right way to do this is ask who WANTS to attend a 5PM dinner, to be out by 715PM. Please RSVP back so I can then work with them to change the reservation count. I do intend to keep the dinner, and while I am bummed at the earlier time and how this played out, I hope you’ll still attend.

Dinner at 5pm is likely too early for my work schedule, as this is a busy week, but actually, every week is a busy week these days. The earliest I could arrive would be 5:45 to 6pm.

I will be able to make it by 5 or shortly thereafter.

My wife and I can make at 5:00 pm.

I’ll be there…hopefully still employed

They always say we have to leave in two hours. Never happe s [snort.gif]

Think the time is tied to the quality of the wine…

Looks like we have 5 committed so rather than delay, I will call them back and make the rez for 7 people. At 7 total, I won’t have to do a credit card deposit, and can simply add to the rez once we hear back from everyone.

For Jay, Ramon/Fe and Andre, just RSVP back if the time will work. This would be a big help.

Frank, I think I have to pass this time. Sorry and hope we can catch up next time.

Sorry, but work wins. I will be there late working on multiple deadlines, so I will have to pass this time.

Thanks for organizing Frank!

I cant make the earlier time. No fair, I miss out again.

Frank - Fe and I will be able to join you.

Ramon, great. We will be six total so see you all in a little bit.