I'm a man I'm (almost) 40! Offline in North O.C. March 15 - March 17?

In celebration of my 40th Birthday, my wife is taking me surfing in Seal Beach, CA the week of March 11th - 18th. We are going to rent a beach house and want to do an offline one of the nights we are in town. Anyone up for an offline later in the week (Thurs the 15th - Sat the 17th)? [berserker.gif]


SWEET! You will be walking distance to Beachwood for an awesome brew selection. Decent wine bar up the street also. We should be able to get something going for your B’Day, Josh! [cheers.gif]


I loooove me some Beachwood BBQ. Their hopcam gets me day(drink) dreaming every time I see it:


Haven’t tried the wine bar before (it was a bulk juice blend your own place at first, IIRC) and glad to know it’s worth stopping in.

I don’t know my work schedule yet, but if I can make it I’ll be there.

I’m working on a cellartracker event right now and that’s one of the possible dates. I’ll post back here when it’s finalized.

Hey Josh,

Sounds cool. I am sure you already know, but on March 17, Seal Beach is absolutely insane on Main Street as that is St Patrick’s Day. Lots of Irish bars with lots of lines(fun time though). You would probably have to set something up well in advance, even at Beachwood. There are many places easily within in a mile circle of Main st to have a great offline. The 14 and 15 shouldn’t be a problem. Depending on you what you are popping, “Thai on Main” is a place I also enjoy in Seal, in addition to what Cris already mentioned. BTW, are you bringing your bike with you?


I was thinking of having the OL at the house. Parking is never easy down there, and if the rental is close to Main it might be better if we go for Thurs/Fri.

I am a maybe on the bike. Too much hibernating this winter + surfing every morning may keep me from riding that week.

17th is St Pattys and my only open day out of the group. So, yay if that ends up being the date.

Brig. Let me know also about the CT event if you do not mind.

Will do, should have it locked in soon.

March 10th for CT OCW4P XII - posted a thread in OFFLINE forum with the details.

Booked the house today, and getting stoked! On the sand, south of the pier/Main St. Looks like St. Patty’s is back in in the mix.

Would a little house pron get you folks off the fence?

Is there an official plan Josh?

We were still trying to pick a date. I threw out Thurs/Fri/Sat and Leslie is the only one with a conflict. Sat might be the best, but it coincides with St. Patty’s Day (if that’s a problem for anyone).

I’m in for Thursday, possibly Friday. I’m out of town on Sat and Sun.

Unfortunately Thursday is now out. Let’s do Friday at 7. Best Berserkerday Deal find. I’ll bring the '08 Ladd Sonoma Coast. A dead ringer for a KB SC, imo.

Unless it is early, and I can bring my daughter, I won’t be able to attend…

Kids day is on Thurs (sitter for my 3 girls has bunco that night). Sat is good, but Franks a no-go. Is Wed an option for anyone?

Anytime during the week works for me. I can roll over from work…about 5 minutes away, at any time.

How’s Weds the 14th for Frenchie, Leslie, Whetstone, Sean and Andy?