I am in Dallas on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 11th and 12th. Might be there longer but not sure. Anyway these two dates are set. Anyone want to get together?
I’ll be around.
As it stand right now I’m available.
Dang, aren’t we Texans popular in the month of September?
Yeah but I’m a lot more fun than that plonk-slinging half-frenchman from NYC.
Ironically, you’re half-French too, but a 100% Pain in the Ass.
Not true. 100% French as long as you consider Bretagne as part of France. I can’t disagree with the second half of your statement though. Too bad we won’t be in Dallas at the same time.
I’ll be around too
Trip got extended a couple days but I’ll be stuck doing biznis. So let me know whether Friday or Saturday works best and what you want to do. Looking forward to meeting some new people.
I’m good either way.
I’d love to invite myself into this esteemed circle but Joe may veto it.
I should be available…I have not met my required Q3 pork ribcap consumption quota…I’m just sayin?
I’ll very likely be in town that weekend. I’ve got meetings in Austin Friday a.m. but should be back in Dallas by late afternoon. PM me if you can fit me into to whatever plans emerge.
should be around as well.
So…we doing anything…
I’m still available. Joe Dulworth is the master planner in this area so let’s see if he is crusing the boards. Did you have anything in mind? Are you packing (wine that is)? With Texas’s concealed weapons law, that can mean something else. I didn’t read the back posts (lazy, I guess) but do your prefer Friday or Saturday evening?
You can tell that my job is ask questions so Joe can apply his super planner’s brain to the situation.
Look forward to meeting you.
Where in Dallas will you be staying Paul?
Mike, I’m open. Either Friday or Saturday works. I was going to ship wine ahead of time if we get something going soon. Otherwise I’ll pack it if this is late developing. Staying at the Gaylord in Grapevine.
Looks like I will have to back out of the soire. Wife will be out of town working and my babysitter parents are heading out of town as well.
Paul, we will get something together. I have pm’d Dan McNiff to see if he can arrange something. Joe is slammed at work and I will be out of town starting tomorrow. We will do something though. Post if you have something you would like to bring and we can bring something compatible. You are staying out by the airport and there won’t be any place out there that will let us BYOB. Will you have a rent car? A GPS?
Yes. Yes.