Identify Cedric Bouchard please

What Bouchard comes wrapped in black tissue with the letters “UR” below the Roses de Jeanne?

U R not very bright if you follow his wines and can’t figure this out


They changed their labels with a recent vintage, and they’re quite challenging to read at a glance now.

UR = Les Ursules
VV = Vil Vilaine
BE = Bechalin


UR a dick.


Thank you.

Wow, are the letters the only identifier? Nothing on the back?

Yeah the new labels only have the code and the disgorgement date. Current releases

BO - 2017 Boloree
PR - 2017 Presle
BE - 2014 Bechalin
VV - 2019 Val Vilaine
UR - 2017 Ursules
CE R - 2017 Creux d’Enfer

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The labels sucked before the change!

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I like the new ones, the color differentiation is easier to read and I can still tell which wine is which just as easily

David K I do not understand what would could be going on in your life that would make you so rude.

People are being a tad too kind to David K.

Let me assist

Go away and don’t come back, David.

W. T. F. Was the point of your post?

C’mon guys. Lighten up. It was a joke.

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His wife designs the labels. They will be dropping the new labels and changing to something different again for the next release.


and it was funny. I’d not have been offended if it had been at me.


I agree the labels are somewhat inscrutable. I just couldn’t resist the joke. It was an alley-oop. Nothing personal, I am sure Bob is in fact a very bright fellow.

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That’s cool, didn’t know that!

My understanding from talking to people in Champagne is that it was done partially to make the new labels more Instagram friendly.

Since neither Cédric nor his wife are, to my knowledge, on Instagram, I think that’s a somewhat implausible as well as an uncharitable assumption.

Cédric told me that they decided to stop using wooden cases and took the opportunity to refresh the labelling as well.


I did not mean it to be uncharitable in the slightest! I’m on Instagram. But if it’s wrong, very happy to have the record corrected - merely repeating what I’d heard.
Thanks as always for the information William.

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No problem, didn’t intend my response as a “j’accuse”!

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