In the name of all Wine Berserkers and aficionados, I performed a good deed last night at the LCBO tasting bar at Summerhill that may wind up netting my country two more denizens soon.
I was sampling some wines when two couples who were friends came up to the tasting bar. Judging from their conversations, one couple was visiting from Eastern Europe while their Canadian friends were hosting them. The Canadian male tried to entice his friends to try icewine but they were hesitant and chose a dry wine instead.
As I finished my own samples and was paying for mine, the Canadian man tried to coax his friends one more time to get some icewine but they were hesitant. I asked them where they were visiting from and they replied from Slovenia. I turned to the server and said we couldn’t let them go back without sampling some icewine and ordered two samples for them.
The two couples and the server were all pleasantly surprised and the server even asked me if I was sure. I was. The server smiled and remarked on how kind it was for me to do this. She poured the samples, we toasted, and we got to talking more.
The visitors from Slovenia had asked their friends specifically to come see the LCBO Summerhill store because they’d heard so much about it and were in awe as there are no similar type of large wine stores where they live.
The Canadian man then informed the server and I that he was in fact trying to convince his friends to consider moving to Canada permanently and told them about the great friendliness and hospitality they would find here and my actions had just added fuel to the fire.
Thus, icewine has an unexpected benefit of boosting the Canadian immigration rate. Can’t wait for some of you Americans to come visit.