Good evening everyone,
I put a plea out on Facebook earlier that you yielded no results. Boss-chap Todd suggested I try on here, but I understand entirely if no one bites for reasons I shall explain after my request, which is:
I’m seeking generous benefactors. There are two wines I am desperate to review together, but the total cost of them is £107.40. This is far more than I can even afford to save for in the coming weeks, so I wondered if some of my excellent friends could stiff l me a few quid via PayPal so I could afford these wines. My PayPal address is > > If you kind enough to send me a bit of cash, do say if you want me to advertise your kindness on here or not. Thanks in advance!
I made the original plea because, as some of you know, I am disabled with floridly nasty mental illness that prevents me from workng. Much as I wish I didn’t, I have to rely on government hand outs which, even for someone who, like me, is classed as being severely disabled, amount to tuppence less than piss-all - being able to drop a hundred sheets on two bottles of wine is a luxury I can rarely afford.
Now, my problem with asking on here is I doubt that any Berserkers will ever be in a position to buy, or even taste, the two bottles I seek to do a mini-horizontal with. This is because they are wines from my home county of Hampshire in England.
I am desperately keen to try them because the basic wines from this producer I tasted last week were the first English wines I have tried that were not stunningly noisome. Not only that, they were actually properly fine wines. Given my considerable, misery-infused experiences tasting heinous English wine, my mind was quite literally buggered with a bargepole to find the non-vintage sparkling wines from Exton Park were seriously good. They were real quality wines with their own sense of style and place, not acrid, technicolor yawn-inducing Champagne mockuments like most English fizz. You can read my report here: (yes, I know I cannot spell ‘quality’ when creating URLs too late now…).
Verily, I was muchly smitten by the three non-vintage fizzers I tasted; so now I want to taste their two first vintage wines. Alas, it is the continuing policy of successive governments to tax our historically dynamic wine trade out of existence, this is true for people producing the (usually loathsome) liquid as well. So the vintage wines from Exton Park are muy expensivo and well beyond the melting point of my debit card, and to score both at the same ime is simply beyond me.
Now you may think I’m being a cheeky rascal asking for money in return for tasting notes of two wines you will probably never hear the name of again. Maybe I am, maybe you would like to point that out to all subsequent readers of this thread (in which case you should be examining your methods for making and keeping friends). However, Tuneful Todd suggested begging on here might be more successful than begging on Facebook, and I sort of hope there enough people here who would get, say, $5 worth of pleasure from reading my effulgent tasting notes, on two wines I expect will make me whoop with delight, so that my scoring vintage English fizz-wheeze will be a goer!
Thank you for reading this extremely long begging letter!