I need more Burgundy Stems

In 2010 I had roughly two dozen burgundy stems, I have since moved twice and suddenly I have only 7. I need more.

What’s the cool glass to buy now for mass consumption. Nothing crazy fancy like the Somm series, but something affordable but functional for when guests come over.


I have been pleased with the Schott Zwiesel Forte series Burgundy glasses.

PS - You should move less. It’s bad for your wine.

If you can get them, the Riedel REstuarant series are awesome and about $7/glass. Need to buy a case (12), but…


ah yes, I do have a few of these. Was wondering if there was now a better QPR.
Sometimes a man needs to move ;D

hum ok. I’ve seen the bordeaux stems for these all over the place but not the burgundy ones. I would want a case anyways.

You’re recommending Zaltos for mass consumption? Let me guess you bring Cornelissen as a backup bottle.

Other than that they’re awesome & I’m unable to go back to my old Schott Zweisels, I’ve found them (so far) a fair bit stronger and more durable than most of the other stems I’ve used. Others have had the same experience re. their strength - I’d expect a case of Zaltos would last a lot longer than a case of S-Z, Riedel or other stems.

I’m not sure it would last 7 times longer

Same bowl size and shape as the Vinum Burgs. Ask whoever carries the Bordeaux stems to order a case.

sweet. thanks

These are great, not quite so fine, but more durable, and you can dishwasher them…

I have a hard time telling them from the Vinum actually… the stem’s a bit thicker, but the bowl feels pretty much the same. And they’re 1/4th the price, so if one breaks it’s "Oh well… " vs “Oh DAMMIT…”

It would still be an “Oh DAMMIT” for me, but I’m a frugal dude.

I have had a case for over a year and yet to break one. The fact they go in the dishwasher helps. My GC Somms hardly are used anymore.

Charlie, I can source these for you anytime if needed. Then you have an excuse for a Norcal trip.

We use them in our Sojourn Tasting Salon, they go right into the dishwasher and right out, we rarley break one.

Vinum Oregon Pinots are baby somm series. Get them in an 8 for 6 pack

My favourite are the Nachtmann Vivendi XXL Burgundy. Not sure if they make them any more, but they are quite similar to the Riedel Sommelier glass, just a bit longer of a stem. I paid $36.99 per 6 pack last year, and I wish I grabbed a few more boxes. Great value if you are prone to breakage.

Schott Zwiesel Taste Burg

I really like these, and they are pretty tough. I was able to get a bunch at less than €3 a pop.

I imagine you can find a good deal.

So true! BTW, in the last 2 days I used ZALTO Burgundy for my Burlotto Barolo. I will never use other stems…