I Got Fu**ed!!

Mmmmm. Maple-glazed pork chop! One item on the menu nearly every day.

Ahh, the german chocolate cake, she appears!

It’s like a meat-based dessert.

I really don’t like the pork chop. It’s more like a ham chop. It tastes really cured. Their fried chicken on the other hand is one of the best in so cal

Sorry I missed this. I’ve met Seiber before. You coulda had another bottle or two if I was there!

The title of this thread reminds me that every time I think of Charlie and his reported escapades with his posse…I think of the “Hangover” franchise of movies.

This thread’s title confirmed that image.

LOL - Charlie has no such escapades…

:X Just went to a bachelor party with a few ex-ASU football players in April. Thought it’d be a Hangover level rager. Ended up not being nearly as crazy as I thought it’d be :smiley:.

Of course I will not name names, but I did have a very very close friend of mind that we indeed lost on his Bachelor party. No lie. And we even had him shackled with a real ball and chain made of steal links and a 5 pound ball. What he did that it I wil never know. None of us know.

Well the bachelor’s brother got really drunk, called his dad to pick him up (even though his dad was in LA and the party was in arizona). His dad said no (obviously) so he packed up a suitcase and just walked out of the hotel at 4am. We found him around 7am sleeping next to a dumpster at a hotel 3 blocks away. But that wasn’t all that exciting, just something to make fun of :smiley:

Sounds like Fu needs to twitter these soirees so we can have a berserker flash mob.

I put photos and locations on instagram? champagne.gif
www.instagram.com/clayfu :wink:

But where’s the punch line? How did you conduct the Baptism class after all this?

I have had variations on this in New York a few time. Bumping into Michel at PDH always generates too much wine. And the. There was the time there were three tables of us at Rothmann’s.

Nice job, Charlie. Now you’ve got some huge expectations on that ass.

There is an easy joke somewhere in here about getting Fu**ed after baptism class at the Catholic church, but I’m doing my best to restrain myself…

Jesus, Todd. Worst avatar ever. Didn’t know you were Growing Up Gotti. THAT is the face of Wineberserkers? At least put your lady up there.

Yeah, sorry I missed this too. . . would have been another bottle or so. . . haha

Charlie. . . you drove down to OC yet again? Damn man, what’s going on?

Everyone wants to get Fu**ed…

Just in case I didn’t know where to eat when I’m out there this summer.

I had two full days of court in the oc last week, it sucked.