I was really into beer in the 90’s so this find wasn’t a big surprise but it is still cool nevertheless. While moving some cases around the other day, I rediscovered a box containing 1-5 bottles of each of the 1995 through 2000 Anchor Brewing Co.'s Merry Christmas/Happy New Year Special Ale; three 1995 Sam Adams Triple Bock; and four 1995 Mad River Brewing Co.'s John Barleycorn Barley-wine Style Ale. As an enthusiastic and thirsty amateur archeologist, I wasted no time and chilled a 1999 Anchor Special Ale. I was pleasantly surprised as it was actually quite delicious. More like a Porter. Although, not surprisingly, it was almost still. I plan to try more in the coming weeks. Not sure about the barley wine style ale or the triple bock. I do recall that the triple bock was rather vile the last time I tasted it.
looking forward to hearing about all of those. I would expect most of the Anchors to be very good.