"I can Name That Tune in four notes Tom"....Birthday Edition....

2001 Pride Mountain Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve - Ripe, mochalicious, browniedelight, liqueur…

NV Opus One Overture - LilOpus, silk, cedar, cordials…

2007 Hospices de Beaune Meursault 1er Cru Les Genevrières Cuvée Baudot Jean-Marc Roulot - It’s, Roulot, magic, bitch!..

2014 Sandlands Chenin Blanc Calif. - Citrus, subtle, refreshing, flowers…

Your note: Brilliant, incisive, cromulent, appreciated.

They all sound bitchin’!

I can vouch for the Sandlands. Much better on the second day though.