How you doing on your CT organization?

The biggest problem with CT is of my own doing. But for stuff for near term drinking, I don’t even enter because that just gives me another opportunity to f-up the inventory. Organization is not my forte so without CT I would have no organization and no idea what I have.

I have a couple of racks in the cellar for every day drinkers.


Good topic, Berto. I stay pretty close to accurate throughout the year with my CT inventory but I do miss things along the way, too. Generally, though, if I need to go find a bottle, nearly all of the time, it’s where I have it assigned. I just have one home stand-alone double door unit so I’m also not tracking 4 digit inventory of bottles.

I can get carried away when organizing after buying too many wines for the spaces, but I update most days and like writing TNs on even mundane wines so that helps eliminate confusion. I now have 8 cases sitting on the floor, half are whites for the summer.

No issues here, but then I do make a living as an ANALyst. [wink.gif]

You can then go to My Cellar and group by location. Every bottle is listed individually and if you have two in the same location, you can remove missing bottles or correct errors. I do that every few months to make sure the records are correct.

I am quite good about logging in with my own picture of the bottle I receive and logging out with a review.

My problem is that I started using CT years ago and entered all of my wines for a year or so. Then I stopped entirely. Now, years later, I wonder if it is better to start from scratch or pick up from where I left off. I still have some of the wines from before and I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to find any of the information about the purchase, particularly the pricing.


James, I would just continue and treat those without info like you would a gift or inheritance. Enter what you know and move forward. Good Luck and have fun.