How do you find out about new wines?

Back in the old days (by crackey), you used to develop a relationship with a favorite wine retailer. He’d learn what your tastes in wine
were. When you come in the front door, he’d let you know what was new and suggest something new you might like. You’d give him
feedback on what you liked or didn’t like. It was a symbiotic relationship.
Nowadays, that sort of relationship has mostly vanished. You walk into a shop and see these ugly shelf-talkers from RP/WS/CGCW
with the scores in large type. Most retailers have abdicated that sort of personal relationship, whether it be face-time, or over the InterNet.
I have only two stores that have that old-timey relationship w/ me: DarrellCorti/CortiBros and BrianBargsten/ArroyoVino. Not a single
shelf-talker of big score posted on a single wine. Brian will go out of his way to order some of the odd stuff he knows I’ll like. When I walk
in the front door, he (or Matthew or Dustin) is right there to let me know what arrived that week. Just like it ought to be.
As for the professional wine critics, for me it not so much vitriol (although I have/ been known to make snide references to Monktown
attourneys) as it is total apathy. None of them, even JonBonne, does my palate particularly align with. I can’t think of a single
wine I’ve rushed out to buy based on a critics review or score. Meh…theyr’e all just sorta irrelevant in my particular wine world. They do what they
do & that’s fine with me. If they drive up the prices of a favorite wine, I just move on and find another favorite.
I mostly find out about new wines/wineries from word-of-mouth here on these wine boards and sometimes from JonBonne’s columns.

My number one source would be this Board. I bow at the feet of whomever introduced me to Gonon starting with the '06 vintage. Also learned of Guion and Plouzeau through this Board. Some very recent favorites of mine.

Slowly trying some Barolos and Barbarescos that people highlight here as well.

Scanning reviews on Cellartracker and tasting within the wine regions of the world. Travel has probably introduced me to more new wines than anything else.

PDWR, Purely Domestic Wine Report written by the OP of this thread.

This board and CellarTracker. I have an online subscription to wine spectator and I rarely look at it anymore.

This board at CT forum.

That is my system as of right now.

Hope to get around to off line tastings but kids take my time so…

This board is phenominal. [drinkers.gif] grouphug

That’s pretty much how I do it. I’m trying to avoid new wine as much as anything (I’m happy with what I have and I buy too much as it is), but occasionally something like MacDonald Oakville is too compelling to pass up.

For me, that has not been the case. The stores that I go to the most have good old fashioned customer service.

For me, # 1 is my friends and wine tasting group. I learn a lot by what I taste.

Second, a few wine stores in town.

Third, Gilman. He has single-handedly gotten me re-interested in California wines.

Fourth, this and other wine boards.

The old days most certainly do not have a monopoly on this method of wine discovery; it’s how I find the vast majority of wines that are new-to-me — I’d guess maybe 80%. The other 20% is a mix of recs. from friends, random winery visits, retailer tastings, offlines, and wine boards.

In the last couple of years, primarily WB, but occasionally local restaurants and wine shops, e.g. the other night a Ghostwriter Pinot.

Certainly, on-line forums like this one.
Chambers Street Wines in NYC and the staff there - exceedingly knowledgable.
Some local folks who share my taste.
Living in wine country, some excursions and through other winemakers.
Occasionally, professional reviews.
Truth is, I can’t afford much wine these days and with over 40 years of tasting behind me, I am not as interested in what’s new as what has a solid track record with good QPR in my tasting wheelhouse.
And that wheelhouse is narrower than it used to be.
So much for getting older.
Best, Jim

I read everything I can and then go taste.

I’m never looking for hot new wineries.

Too many older wineries with long track records that are so often overlooked and under-appreciated while the crowd is swarming from flower to flower.

I also tend to extend extend verticals or backfill old favorites.

In towns like Orlando, Florida, I have been very disappointed, on average, with wine store recommendations. I think the eagerness to sell you something overcomes the eagerness to figure out what you like and turn you in to a long-term client. As an example, the local manager of a place where I keep my storage units has constantly asked why I buy so few wines at their store, as he sees me come in with cases of wines they don’t carry. I have politely explained that on multiple times, and even gifted him a wine I really liked that they do not carry (he had never even heard of it), yet he still insists on trying to get me to buy stuff that is clear, had he listened, I would not like. My strike-out rate in Orlando is close to 100%.

If I lived in NYC, with Chambers and Crush, I’d be broke and drunk.

My wife and I have said similar things for years. There’re considerably more than just those 2 shops. You also forgot “morbidly fat” because the quality food options are virtually unlimited.


I attend a ton of consumer tastings, but rarely buy the wines tasted. I have always had the mindset of, “I’ve tried it already, why would I buy it?” I’ve always leaned toward trying wines versus drinking them and would much rather split 10 bottles among 10 friends, then have a bottle to myself.<<<<<

Not to pick on Dusty, who I’m sure is a nice guy, but man, do I not get this approach. So much for spending any time seeing how a wine develops over hours/years, how it pairs with food, etc.

Regarding the original question, I just listen to Trimpi [cheers.gif] .

Robert Parker

someone had to say it [smileyvault-ban.gif]

Critics, Tasting groups, Internet BB’s for the most part. A rare retail experience or just taking a flyer on an e-mail, especially close-outs.

Wine Boards like this
Reviewers like Galloni
Stores like Chambers
Importers like Dressner, Theise, Fass