Hay River Pumpkinseed Oil

For fans of pumpkinseed oil the new “vintage” is available.

good oil…enjoy!

I ordered a few bottles. Thanks for the heads up; I did no know there was anyone producing organic pumpkin seed oil in this country.

thanks! I’ve heard about it before but it was always sold out! ordered one to try.

What do you do with it?

My most common uses are in making a vinaigrette or a mixture of oil/seasonings for a bread dip…add a fresh warm loaf of bread and mmmmmmm!
The Hay River website has a recipe section. They mention a good combo with corn of any sort but I have not tried that yet. Also they say a drizzle over vanilla ice cream…may have to try that.
Hope you enjoy it!

Pumpkin seed oil is out of this world on vanilla ice-cream. Far more delicious in my opinion than EVOO and salt but YMMV. I think you will love Pumpkin Seed oil Mel; it has a very intensely nutty flavor to it.

Well I ordered the new batch Saturday and it arrived today. I guess I will make some homemade vanilla ice cream tonight! :slight_smile:

I drizzle it on pumpkin soup or toasted pumpkinseeds. Any idea what the shelf life of this product is? Inevitably I use a few tablespoons and eventually toss the rest of the grocery store oils I’ve bought in the past.

From The Hay RIver website:
For long-term storage, a cool dark place is best, we recommend your refrigerator. If you plan on using the oil within 6 months after opening, a kitchen cabinet is fine. We did what is called stability testing with the oil and found that under adverse conditions, with 24 hour UV light and warmth, it had a shelf life of about 6 months. We’ve had oil in perfect condition in a pantry cabinet for over a year.

Made gingersnap cookies yesterday, substituing pumpkinseed oil for 40% of the butter by weight. They had a breadier texture and deeper, richer flavor. Then I made stuffed acorn squash, http://www.chow.com/recipes/13566-roasted-acorn-squash-with-wild-rice-stuffing?tag=sidebar%3bmost_popular_module, with all the butter replaced with pumpkinseed oi, and pumpkin seeds replacing the pecans This really improved an already good recipe.

So far I"d say anything in the squash family, or anything with pumpkin pie spices, is fair game for a little pumpkinseed oil. Pumpkin ravioli with sage butter and a splash of pumpkinseed oil should be worthwhile.