Hawaii flight advice

I can get from ORD (Chicago) to OGG (Maui) direct on the way out on a 777 so that is a no brainer. There are no direct return flights.

So… Should I connect in Honolulu with the long leg on a 777 or should I connect in LAX on 2 narrow body jets. Total travel time is about the same as is the cost.

I am thinking the HNL flight will be better as there should be less weather issues and the time will be spent on a more comfortable plane. The flights are over night either way from LAX or HNL so I also think it would be nice not to have to truck around LAX at Midnight. I could connect in SFO also and I like SFO airport better than LAX but the ever present fog delays worry me.



HNL, definitely. Much better to connect at the front end and the Triple 7 is WAY more comfortable to me

Answer = 777.

When are you going?

Pretty much what I though but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

Dan - 6/30 - 7/10 (or there a bouts) Got any upgrades for me?? flirtysmile


For our trip to Maui last month, we chose the more direct route with the narrower 757 stopping in LAX. I do not recommend it and we will not do that next time.

Without question take the 777. On the narrow plane when they start meal or drink service you are trapped in you seat. Check out seatguru.com for seating charts. BIG difference between the 757 and the 777.

HNL unless long flight times are not your cup of tea.

I do.


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