The '61 is certainly very nice as well, as are the '85, '89 and '95. The '75 is surprisingly youthful (if not particularly captivating). The '83 is also quite imressive.
Even I have some love for Pichon Lalande. Having happily consumed: 55,59,64s,66s,67s,70s,75s,78s,82s,83s and 85s, I must say the 1970 was awesome. [big_boss.gif]
Try some of the '79s, I actually prefer them to the '78s, but, then, that’s just me. Nothing against the '78, though. That’s a good wine.
I’ve had many of the '82s and have encountered a lot of bottle variation - even those impeccably cellared while in Bdx. I had that '61 just sometime mid last year. Though obviously aged , I wouldn’t have guessed it to be 47 years old. The '75 also drinks quite youthfully. Had another '89 opened last night for dinner with the wife and kids - horribly corked. Good thing I brought a back up Burg.