Hammell Wine Alliance

I can vouch for Chris (Not that he needs me to vouch since he gets PLENTY of luv from customers, critics, jedi’s, etc.). Been to the house…seen the red barn. Plays a mean guitar. Likes to play in the dirt. Real deal. Wines are pretty good as well ; )


Kill it brother - and join the Rhone Rangers while you’re at it :slight_smile:


Seems like everyone I know has been to the red barn–I need to see it for myself.

Got the offer today while traveling with my wife in Iceland. Order in. No brainer. Give me that rose already.

Reviving this thread rather than starting another, it’s time again…my allocation was 3 TB’s 750 and 1 wait list Mag. This is the last allocation based release, from this point forward it will be club based.
Loving the El Crue I picked up earlier this year, seems a solid keep on my list.

im in for my allocated 3. on the fence about joining the wine club. the groucho marx quote is applicable, of course.

The wines are delicious. I have dropped all my lists this year, but when this offer went by I just had to pull the trigger. So I guess I haven’t dropped ALL of my lists.

Do any of you know why Vinuous / AG had a
“Tasted, not recommended” for 3 vintages of True Believer tasted in 2016 ?

if galloni didnt like it, im even happier with my purchase.

Where is the information on the wine club?


You guys are really funny . . .

i dont think any formal information has been conveyed. wine list emails have just said ‘hey we’re going to a club format’. this is why I just left booker so I doubt I’ll join.


Really curious about your comments. First off, what did Booker do, go from a ‘go as you wish’ to a specific wine club format? And second, what is it about wine clubs you don’t like? Most smaller ones tend to be pretty ‘open ended’ and don’t like you in to specific purchases or ‘hostage’ plays where you have to purchase everything. Just curious . . .


i think with booker if you’ve been with them long enough you aren’t strongarmed into a minimum purchase, but i could be wrong. but their current club requires a minimum allocation and then u can add on a la carte.
i don’t like wine clubs because I am just picky as fack and want to buy what I want to buy.
my other issue with booker is that they do two separate reeases, plus the MFN, so 3, and wouldn’t combine shipping in terms of cost. This is something that is really starting to irk me especially when the wines are being shipped together. it’s stupid at best and scummy at worst.