Gueuze and Lambics

See how it is next to the 15 yr. Blue Moon.

Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. [wow.gif] [snort.gif]

2016 Hanssens Artisanaal Oude Gueuze - Belgium, Flanders, Dworp (12/2/2023)
– from 375 mL –

Light, refreshing, and light-on-its-feet for this bottling. Not (yet) taking-on any deeper/burnished/nutty flavors indicative of aged character.

2018 Gueuzerie Tilquin Oude Quetsche Tilquin à L’Ancienne - Belgium, Wallonie, Rebecq (12/2/2023)
– from 375 mL –

Drinking nicely, but the plums have only a faint presence at this point.

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2011 Gueuzerie Tilquin Oude Gueuze À l’Ancienne - Belgium, Wallonie, Rebecq (5/11/2024)
Flipping amazing! Really in a strong groove right now — anyone with multiple bottles should be popping at least one. Will age longer – in fact, this tastes quite young at the moment, so if you want this when it’s mature then you really must continue to Hold. For me, it’s too good to not drink right now.

Appreciate the check in, I’m holding back to 2012 but haven’t popped one in years.

What format(s) do you have? I should have mentioned in my TN that my '11 was a 750. Looks like I have thee of the '12s, too — I’d open one now to check-in, but they’re all offsite.

I have both, it’s probably time to check in. For 5 or 6 years I was buying and enjoying Lambics and then I just kind of stopped. My thought was to let them go until they really turn into something interesting. Not sure what that point may be … ~25 years?

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You’re not alone. I bought heavy for about 5 - 8 years, and then mostly stopped, although I’ll still buy sporadically, and I’ll grab a grip of Tilquin every year I come across it. Historically, I’ve found high-quality gueuze to get increasingly interesting once it has a decade of bottle age on it. I’m pretty sure I’ve never had one as old as 25 — I would trust only the best producers to go that far, but trust them I would; I do put Tilquin in that group.

Pop one of your 375s — I bet you’ll be happy you did.

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