Grilling Cleaning solutions for a heavily used grill

Hack’s suggestion basically turns your grill into a self-cleaning oven. You might want to keep an eye on it while using that technique. I have a slight buckle on my Summit from an aggressive grease fire, cosmetic only, can only be seen when the lid is open. What kind of grates do you have? Mine are very thick stainless steel, after 8 years and a fair amount of use they are showing no signs of wear. They appear almost indestructible. A when the wire brush doesn’t get it all, a pumice stone followed by a damp paper towel gets rid of just about everything remaining.


Then wire brush if needed and hose the shit outta everything.

Then drag my wife outside to show her my handiwork to justify my sitting on the deck drinking wine for the rest of the day.

Any recommendations for a professional in the DFW area? The gas lines on my Weber split, so I have to manually light a stick and carry it over to the 2nd and 3rd burner in order for it to ignite, I’m hoping it can be repaired.

Experts warn against using a wire brush.

What do they know? [berserker.gif]

You’re correct in that much of your grill debris is dependent on your use of marinades and sauces.
Marinades and sauces with a large quantities of corn syrup are the worst and most difficult to clean.

An easier method to clean:
Once you’re done grilling leave the gill on with cover closed with the high heat setting for 5-7 minutes.
You’re essentially burning/carbonizing what’s on the grill grates.

The next time you grill, using your steel brush should remove the charred debris.

This but suggest scraping the grates while still hot from cooking. Also I always use a spay cooking oil on the grates before putting the food on.

Other thing I’ll do is run onion halves over the grates afterwards. The acid in the onion gets most of the crap off the grill and keeps me from having to use cleaning solutions on cooking areas. I’m not a big “everything organic” guy, but I read it on a blog somewhere and tried it with some success. Also easy to do on a kettle after the coals die down.

Me too. $160 a week ago after 4 years of use.