For those interested…This is my favourite wine on the planet.
Offer Details:
"I am pleased to announce the imminent release of Vintage 2014 large format bottles. The offering will comprise three sequential releases: Magnums first, followed by 3L bottles, and finishing with 6L bottles.
The release of Magnums will start Sunday, May 29th, at approximately 9 pm PDT and will remain open for four days, ending on Thursday, June 2nd at 9 pm PDT. For the Magnum release only, there will be three waves of offers based on different levels of wine purchased in the past; the second wave will begin on the evening of May 31st, and the third wave on the evening of June 1st.
The release of Three Liter bottles will commence after the Magnum offering closes and will remain open for two days, ending at 9 pm on Saturday, June 4th. Immediately thereafter, the 6L bottles will be released, and this final format offering will end two days later.
Pricing for the large formats are as follows:
Magnums $400
3L with original paper labels $800
3L with hand etched & painted labels $1,000
6L with hand etched & painted labels $2,000
We hope to ship these large format bottles sometime in early Spring, as temperatures across the country permit.
For those wondering why the sale of Vintage 2014 large formats precedes the standard 750ml release of Vintage 2013: Large Formats represent a relatively new market for us, and we are still attempting to ascertain the demand for these bottles. Until we feel comfortable regarding the demand, we will bottle only to paid orders. And since we will bottle our Vintage 2014 in July, we are selling that vintage’s large formats now.
Kind Regards,
Rob Greer"