Greatest Sandwich in America

According to Anthony Bourdain.

“This is a work of genius, in an evil way… A two-fisted symphony of pork, cheese, fat, and starch…”

Bourdain’s over use of superlatives makes me think this sandwich isn’t as good as he professes. But how bad could a sandwich be that has bacon and eggs? Isn’t that the key to all great sandwiches :wink:

That sandwich looks insanely good.

I wonder how many other restaurants copied it after that episode?

That’s also about a week’s worth of fat and calories, but that’s what pork is FOR!!!

It is an amazing sandwich. I would have to agree that it is the best in the US if not the world. Paired with Ice cold beer and you do not even mind you are shaving 5 year of your life expectancy.


When I visit, we are going…twice!

It would be worth the 10 years i will lose for the 20 minutes of sheer heaven on earth and of course your company.

As decadent as that sandwich looks and as much as I admire a true sub (or torpedo), this is an example of the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten, the banh mi.

banh mi is quite delicious as well

Agree with Bob. Had this beauty a couple of weeks ago at a place called Baoguette.

as I’m sure Bob knows, SD has a plethora of Banh Mi shops… Especially in Rinda Vista, I could throw a rock and hit a great Banh Mi shop. drool. Something that’s sorely lacking in my current neck of the woods in far east LA

Bob, that’s an awesome-looking sandwich. It’s a stock photo, isn’t it… that is, not from Portland, is it? Have you found any exemplary banh mi in this area?

Yes, it’s a stock photo and yes, I’ve found an exemplary banh mi in PDX - at “Best Baguette”, one location in the Beavertron across from Standard TV and Appliance and one out by 82nd. $2.95 for a sandwich.

My vote is for a fried oyster and bacon poorboy; dressed of course with lots of hot sauce.

This will no doubt be a total minority opinion but there is no better sandwhich, for my tastes, than a really good grilled cheese. Sourdough bread, buttered, grilled, cheddar cheese, keep it simple.

Josh, I’ll join you in the minority. Definitely my favorite sandwich, a simple yet wonderful grilled cheese.

I had a leftover hunk of flank steak in the freezer at the beach house this past weekend.
Sliced it really thin and doused it with oil, soy, ginger, garlic, pepper and some sesame seeds
Tossed the meat (15 min later) into a well seasoned cast iron skillet. Served on a toasted bun
(not the best bun by any means…) and a nice hit of Sriracha

in the running for my personal best sandwich.

Here’s my second-best sandwich ever, the muffuletta from the Central Grocery on Decatur in New Orleans.

Bob, you’re making me homesick. I used to live two blocks from there. And, did you know what they call that olive / pimento mixture on top of the meat? “Wop Salad”!


I’ll take the Daniel Boloud burger, that’s made with foie gras and braised short ribs.
I’d love to try the version with black truffles, but I’ve never been in the right place on someone else’s expense account.