I gather the mild weather has brought the season forward. I would like to try and but some: anyone have any recommendations?
I also use Oregon Mushroom… but not quite the season yet for them.
I can find my own, when I can get out , otherwise our Farmers Market ( check your area ) has a few foragers too
I’ve had good experiences with Oregon Mushrooms LLC
they’re not showing morels yet.
Was this a mild winter in Oregon too? In Northeast I’d worry that the dry winter would cut harvest.
At the Chappaqua Farmer’s market on Saturday mornings, there is a farmer with a great selection of mushrooms. They often have morels.
Allegedly already finding them here in Southern Indiana. Might also try a gourmet shop or largish independent grocer. Some produce wholesalers carry them during the season.
While it wasn’t a bitter cold winter it wasn’t particularly mild either and it’s been yet another cold spring (we’re actually getting snow flurries right now). A couple of people I know who go mushrooming told me morels are more of an late April through early summer, so Oregon isn’t a good source this time of year. You might do better with sources from the mid-west or East coast.