Getting the highest price at a charity auction

My charity auction donation experiences for private schools and the local symphony were over a 20 year period starting in the 1990’s are 180 degrees from the above.
Perhaps it was proximity to Wine Country and more wine knowledgeable, well heeled crowds. Perhaps it was the rare, sought after selections, highly rated wines, some in mag format. Those wines went above FMV consistently.

Reading these posts makes me think differently about today’s charity auctions and I agree, sell your donations elsewhere and donate the proceeds. K&L auctions are a good way to go especially for better CA wines.

I wouldn’t read too much into it. It depends entirely on the charity, the location and the audience. Knowledge, interest and willingness/ability to spend on wine varies widely. The same magnum of Bordeaux would fetch a wide range of prices from one charity event to another.

I’m going to donate and also give them a large bottle of champagne