Get thyself ready - BerserkerFest VI Seattle (aka Saxfest) -

I can’t wait til Philfest! [cheers.gif]

I’m interested!

A couple hours in, we’re already near 40, hot shot.

I had 65 ish at my house for BerserkerFest whatevernumberitwas

Load them up…we can have tables if you want.

Love to come. Sign me up (+1 is a maybe).

I’ll be there, and if we need another location for a lunch or dinner or pre-function, the lounge at Seattle Wine Storage can handle a crowd

Would love to attend. Count me in as tentative 2. I can help cook. And will bring sauternes that even Eric LeVine will drink. Would love to meet all you enthusiasts.

I’m in!
Let’s say +1 for now… Although wife may or may not make it

Count me in +1 on the 13th. I leave the next day for Portugal so the 14th is not possible. OTOH, I will make sure dessert wines is covered, in case there’s not enough whites & reds to go around!

Should be nice and sunny here by then. pileon


Hey, did you forgot me +1 [snort.gif]

I will do my best to be there, it would be great to see Kim and the gang again!

Oh you’re referring to BradFest.

I have to project my own schedule for 7 months, but if this works, I might love to be there…(divorced with kids)

Cool, been meaning to pay my bro a visit anyways. Count me in as interested with a +1


In, possibly +1

[dance-clap.gif] I have to introduce you to Dan Walker, he’s dropped out of more events than you ever will. Come to think of it, I’d say the odds of both of you showing up to the same event is zero.

I’ll try. Hopefully we won’t be bottling that week.

I’ve only missed one! and lets not forget the summer VT weekend date was chosen based on when YOU could make it - funny thing though, I don’t remember you being there! neener

Pending what Steve and Ed state, we should be getting close to waitlisting. We’re at 58 already. Time to decide how many and have a cutoff.