Full Day Babysitter Recs in Napa

Would like one for 9/3 and 9/4 - both days. (roughly 10am - 6pm, maybe longer if we eat dinner san kids).

There’s likely 3 kids - 3.5yr, 2.5yr, and 1.0yr

Anyone have reliable, (preferrably know them personally), baby sitters or child care ideas they can recommend?

Clearly reliability and child safety is critical. [cheers.gif]

PM works, or respond here is great.


We’ve used Grapevine Placement Agency several times with no issues.



Thanks Jeremy. I’ll check them out.

I was hoping people might know of people personally (with the number of people who actually live in the area).

I’d just drop them by Carrie and Randy’s shop, they’ll be fine.

Is this query code for something else?