Friend of a Friend wants to park his RV at Barefoot Cellars

Bloody fantastic!

Can’t help out. But if he had a yacht he’d like to sail there…


Easy thread of the year champagne.gif

What’s an RV?


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I think it’s a Resident Vicuna. They are very soft.

I knew WB would take this were it needed to go . Well Done !! girls and boys [basic-smile.gif]

My usual payment is in the form of food stamps, but I might be able to make an exception so long as the tickets are new.

Thank you Chris. [thankyou.gif] [welldone.gif]

Shouldn’t this be in NSFW?

It’s basically like a Yacht, only better cuz it can go on land.

Can you prove this FoaF even exists?

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[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif] [welldone.gif] [thankyou.gif] [winner.gif]

Hey, if we’re going to bump the helicopter thread this needs to tag along.

champagne.gif [worship.gif]

He’s been busy doing performance art…


I don’t read many things, especially on message boards, that make me laugh out loud, but this did it.

Is that Ken V?

May want to visit the 16 bottle chardonnay blowout challenge thread.