Friday, January 24, Playground Santa Ana - ADDED DETAILS IN FIRST POST

I guess that means no Absente after [wow.gif]

My house is 5 mins away. We move the party.


Hey Kriss…just got a call from Robin…and she wants to be added to the list!


One more request, folks. Since we know the cost out the door per person, please bring cash to make things easier on our servers. No huge deal if that is not possible for some of you, but if most of us pony up the green, things will flow smoothly at the finish.

Kris ,
Deb and I would love to come. this would put as at 17 though. probably not gonna work ,but let us know.

Gerry, I’ll check with them and see if we have the wiggle room. Hoping it’s a yes!

Jim’s got some Pappy 20. So if he wants to light it up, that would be great Jim. Get the fountain warmed up. champagne.gif

No more fountain. I’ll light the fire pit.

grouphug [dance-clap.gif] [dance-clap.gif] [dance-clap.gif]


Okay, Kriss. If there’s still room, add me to the list. Sorry it took me this long to be sure I could make it.

Noted, Glenn. I’ll update the list. Glad you could clear the schedule.

Playground has stems, but a group this large may overwhelm them. Thoughts anyone?

Jay, you’re wise to ask. I did request in the initial post to please bring stemware. I wouldn’t want our group maxing out their stems.

For the Playground uninitiated (yours truly inclusive), here’s parking wisdom from our resident economist, JDietz:

No valet. There is a parking garage right across the street between 4th and 5th. I think it’s a flat $4. Street parking is free after 8 pm. So find a metered spot, put in a few coins and hope your car is there when you return.

Gent’s sorry to back out but work has other ideas on where I should be and it won’t be at Playground
:frowning: sorry to miss this event.

Sorry we’ll miss you Andy, but it was great to see you the other night.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night! Playground is looking forward to having us.