Fresno CA 9/19/09 AKA Fresno State vs Boise State Weekend

Edson and Mike have given me grief about not planting an OL flag in Fresno… they insist that if I organize it, they will come. Well, we now have a date and a place: Saturday, September 19th at Cracked Pepper. Details, theme and dress code to follow.

I figured that this game would be well attended by the alumni on Friday night… and I wanted to see if we can get a pair of Marshalls to attend.

Please post if interested, and I will post details shortly.

Take that you Two Owe Niners neener

with my attendance in NYC the w/e before i doubt i can get down man. we’ll see though.

i get more posts on the other board and FB… Maybe Beserkers are anti-Nickle-Nickle-Nine…

for the record we got Bob and maybe Steve

Is there a reason to post that you received more replies elsewhere? Is that like attracting bees with vinegar?

Perhaps we just don’t have too many members from the Fresno area?

If it was another time of the year, you know I would come. I think I have an appointment with some grapes that day. [dontknow.gif]

or Fresno State Alumni that travel back home to see them play a nationally ranked team?

if it offended, please remove the post… but i thought this BB was a little more lax, as I am… please note my reference of Fresno and use of “smilies” to illustrate my point of view grouphug

i know you would make it if you could, Linda! there is always a risk to do this during football/harvest season…

I’ll be there [wink.gif]