Fresh corn on the cob~Typewriter or Rotary?

Corn on the cob Rotary or Typewriter???

  • I eat my corn on the cob rotary style (spiral around the cob)
  • I eat my corm on the cob typewriter style (across the cob)
  • I scrape the corn off the cob or I’d lose my dentures
  • Flawed poll~corn comes out of a can!

0 voters

Which is the right way to eat a fresh ear of corn on the cob?

Let a little friendly summer food debate ensue…

I eat Corn-on-the-Cob typewriter style, three or four rows at a time

[winner.gif] There’s only one right answer!

Rotary style requires much more turning of the cob and therefore causes one to expend much unnecessary energy.

But, only the first series of bites are rotary - allows for a clean reset location for the subsequent rows, which are typewriter style.

And that’s not it! [pillow-fight.gif]



I can only imagine that some of you chow hounds eat an ear of corn cartoon style sticking it in your mouth and pulling it out clean.

Only Linda Lovelace can do that.

She wears dentures now to boot. [swoon.gif]


Rotary. What can I say. I’m a spinner.


Leenda, you are a smidge too uh how can I gently say this, beyond petitte to be a spinner. neener

Sex swing.

Sybian anyone?

I dont think those things spin…but I would be up for a personal demonstration.

OK, this DOES sound totally weird, I know. But I get a fork and knife, with the fork holding the cob in place and slice horizontally down with your knife. Always comes out great and no getting stuff caught in your teeth. Works for me.

Did you mean “spitter”? [scratch.gif]

What’s Sybian?

Hold on. I don’t think I want to find out.