Free man!

The wife and my first newborn infant are out of town this week; they ditched me to travel to Taiwan to see my in-laws. On the bright side, this leaves me some time to play in the kitchen and my new Shun Kramer knife.

I went over to Mollie Stones (local clone of Whole Foods), not intending to buy seafood, but there was a really fresh looking rock cod that just beckoned. Normally I go to Chinese supermarkets to buy live seafood, but a combination of laziness and the beautiful looking fish made me succumb. Decided a French and Chinese technique fusion would work tonight.

Here is the before:

And after:

Prep was pretty simple. Fillet fish. Bones and head saved for future stock/soup usage. Blanch green beans. Soaked dry Chinese shiitake mushrooms in water. Mushroom water saved for later use. Season fillets with salt and white pepper. I’ve been on a butter phase recently, so I used a raw milk butter to sautee mushrooms and green beans as well as the fish in separate pans. Sauce was a scallion ginger sauce (look in any Chinese cookbook or Momofuku cookbook). Finit.

(The rest of the fish and the veg went on another plate in a heap unattractively and shoved down my gullet)

I find a flexible blade works better to fillet fish than a chefs Knife, maybe that is why side two…didn’t work out.

Looks good and behave!! [cheers.gif] [wow.gif]


Looks awesome Cary! [cheers.gif]

This thread cannot help but remind me of Freemott. pileon

I thought of Chris’ thread too. [snort.gif]

The filleting went fine, but I didn’t see the need to have 3 other “beauty plates” when I was the only one eating.

Sounds Good!!

Haha, I do this all the time when cooking solo.

And nice crisp on the skin there.

99 ranch market is sad you cheated on her. How much was the rock cod? $19lb? At 99 it would be $5!! :smiley:

It was $3.99/lb at Mollie Stones. Wild Caught in Canada.
I usually would have gone to Ranch 99 or Marina, but I was feeling lazy, and for a non-Chinese supermarket, it looked really fresh. I even bought non-Asian tofu there [smileyvault-ban.gif]

Not to worry, I still go to Ranch 99, if nothing else for offal, frozen dumplings and their fresh noodle section. My current favorite is the “An Tai Taiwanese noodles” in the medium and wide variety.