First Napa Trip

Well Wineberserkers, at the age of 26 I have decided the day has come for my first trip to Napa Valley with my girlfriend.

I wanted some advice on my current planned stops:

We get in Friday night and leave Sunday afternoon

Friday Night:
8pm: Bounty Hunter
10:30pm: 1313

Saturday (St. Helena Area)
11am V. Sattui - Heard good things from friends.
1pm Barnett - Heard good things on another forum.
3.5pm Duckhorn - Really loved Paraduxx 2007.
5pm Alpha - Omega - Loved Proprietary Red, but I had it way too young.
~8pm Carpe Diem

Sunday (Downtown Napa)

11am Brix for Brunch
1pm Olabisi / Trahan
2:30pm Vinter’s Collective
4pm Not sure

My goal is to find a place with great wine, and staff that would be helpful in providing background on the wines themselves and provide some interesting and cool wines to try and I wanted to visit Duckhorn and Alpha Omega because I really wanted to try more.

Should just scrap the downtown plans on the second day and do another day at the vineyards instead? If so, recommendations?


I personally like the vineyard visits, but places like ma(i)sonary you can try several wineries in one location.

Dear David,

If you want me to set upa private tasting for you at Alpha Omega just let me know and we will make it happen.

Jean (winemaker at AO)

I will say that on Saturday, you’re going to have two very different expereinces, which may be okay if that’s what you want.

Unless you’ve made special arrangements:
At V Sattui you’ll be one of a large herd of sheep.
At Duckhorn, you’ll be one of a fairly large group subjected to a proper but very rigid corporate process (pay your money up-front, choose one of a couple set tasting flights, no special/under the counter wines, no refunded tasting fee for a purchase).

At Alpha Omega, you’ll enjoy a very leisurely tasting and discussion with the wine maker (if you take Jean up on his offer, and you should), probably taste some barrel samples and a large swath of their porfolio
At Barnett, you’ll be treated to a private (or possibly have another small group with you) tasting and tour of the facility, likely lead by one of the Barnett family or even their winemaker; and again get to taste a large portion of their excellent portfolio.

I don’t mean to bash V Sattui or Duckhorn (well, maybe Duckhorn a little as I really did not enjoy my visit there), as both have some decent wines. But at least for my time and money, the personal experience at the other two is far superior. But since it’s your first trip, it might be interesting for you to see both sides of the coin.

If you’re looking for a nice experience, contact Merrill Linguist at EMH. You can PM her as she’s a board member. You’ll taste in her home, overlooking the vineyards. Very relaxed. And at $60 - $70 (excuse me if I’m off a bit), her cabs are great quality for the price. QPR.

David H, welcome to WineBerserkers.


Thanks for the advice, looking forward to dropping by Alpha Omega.

I think I may avoid Duckhorn because it sounds too impersonal. I’ll see if Merrill can help out.

I’m starting to think I should skip wine bars the next day and instead check out Yountville vineyards… any other vineyards or places to go that you all would recommend?

David, I would also skip V. Sattui as far as the wine goes, but do go there if you plan on getting some food for a picnic.

And also welcome to WB.

A/O and Barnett will be very nice visits. I strongly suggest you call 750 Wines in St Helena. David and Monica Stevens will taste through a number of wines that fit your style and budget.