Finishing That Last Bottle and Thinking - Thank God

Have you ever finished off the last bottle of a case and thought … I’m Glad That’s Gone??

  • Yes
  • No
  • I’m not sure/Other

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We all know the feeling when you drink that last bottle out of a case and you love the wine. That feeling of nostalgia, sometimes of loss, etc.

BUT, have you ever finished off the last bottle of a case of wine that you own and thought … I’m glad that’s gone?

Not yet. But I am confident that when I open the last bottle of the case of '01 Janasse Cuvee Chaupin CdP in my cellar (if I can ever make myself open ANY more), I will be relieved. It is an abomination. [bleh.gif]

Not a case but a 6 pack of 2001 Greenock creek, My palate changed a few years ago but guests seem to love it.

Before I get that far, I give it away. Cellar space is too limited to sit with bottles I dread opening.

I agree on getting rid of the bottles one dreads opening; but I often feel this way with opening uninspiring bottles. Not bad bottles, but those that are just less than fulfilling.

Yep. Last year it was the last bottle of a mixed case of 1961 Bordeaux. It’s been a family tradition to drink a birth year wine on our birthdays… but I’m glad that’s done. I really don’t like old wine, and they just got in the way of drinking something that I’d actually like.

In those cases. why not just sell them here for really cheap prices, so others who may love it, and otherwise can’t afford it, may enjoy it?
just a thought…

Nope, not yet. Never bought a large qty of something I didn’t like…and I am happy that my tastes don’t really ever “change” they just “progress”. So even if I have a new love, I can still see the beauty in that old flame.

Though, thinking about it, that applies to wine, but not women.

+1 on a perfect birth year as well as a dislike for old French wines!

I sold almost all my “drinkers” and “bargain” wines. I was just buying decent wine because of the deal. So a friend of mine was looking to basically have an instant cellar at a reasonable cost, so I sold her six cases worth of these drinkers and deals. She got good wine at an even better price than I did, and I at least got about 80% back. Now I’ve used the money to buy wine I really want. I’m done with drinkers and deals for the most part.

I’m the oddball that voted “other;” the reason is it wasn’t my case. Back when Diageo got out of Bordeaux, there were some real price slashes on remaining stock, and my father bought at least a case (maybe two) of very cheap 2005 Chateau Greysac. For a while, every time I stopped by I was offered a glass or two. Boy did I get sick of that stuff before the end. [barf.gif]

Ummmm yeah, can anyone say “2007 Domaine de la Garrigue Cuvée Romaine”??? [stirthepothal.gif]

You are killing me Brian – Killing me!!!

I don’t buy by the case but got a mixed case of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon or Sarah’s Blend from Marquis Philips back in the day. My tastes changed and I think I still have some of the Shiraz. I liked the Sarah’s Blend best of the three wines.

I have just sold at cost 5 cases of daily drinkers that I bought on close out several years ago. They are mostly decent, I would not sell crap. I just knew that I would not drink them before they passed their prime and I would be drinking just to get rid of them. I now buy 1-3 bottles of much better wines.

I had a whole case of 1998 Vieux Mas Des Papes that was really spoiled with Brett. After several tries I stopped trying to share it with anyone, even my wife, and just hoped for better bottles… but they never came.

I have some late-released 1990 Bosquets des Papes that has been almost as bad, and I’m still dreading it.

I had a case of 2004 or 2005 Mollydooker “Boxer” once upon a time. I thought I would never get through it.

That’s one reason you see lots of 10 and 11 bottles at auction.

Oh man, I’m right there with ya, but I’ve got 3 more to go…

I serve bottles that I don’t like to friends that like 2 buck chuck etc. They often love the wines I serve them since they are far above the wines they normally drink.