Favorite Online Weather Resource?

Anyone have links they like better than others?

Our local NWS office gave me these two:



Other ones people like?


I look at NOAA, Accuweather and Weather Underground. Weather.com is garbage (but has an app!!)

There are a coupe of guys who offer daily reports of ag-centric weather for our area, but you have to subscribe. I’ve found that by paying attention to a number of different sites, the news, and just listening to other farmers, I can glean together a pretty good idea of what’s happening or expected to happen (and the likelihood of it being correct based on the agreement between them all). Always plenty of chatter around the proverbial water jug here.

In true [Napa] wine fashion, there seem to be some out there who try to “one-up” everyone else with “weather consultants”. Not sure to whom they refer (maybe just the subscriber services, but you never know) or what they know that others don’t.

In general, I can’t remember an event weather-wise over the last few years that has come as a real big surprise…maybe the magnitude of the 2009 storm, but no one would have believed 5" in a day even if God himself came down and told you.

Along the same lines, in terms of seeing if there is a consensus or not, our local NWS office gave me this link:


They tell me it is the forecasters discussing how confident they are in different parts of the forecast based on which models agree or not. Weather nerd speak, I guess.

Sometimes it helps me understand when different sites are saying different things.

I like NWS for the ability to center it right on your vineyard. Here is the Humboldt version, but you can move it around to pinpoint an exact location National Weather Service

If you don’t mind seeing raw data, look at this link: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/EKA/

It’s a list of every forecast product generated by the Eureka, CA NWS office. The forecast product you listed above is AFDEKA.

The link for the Bay Area is: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/MTR/