I’m glad you like these in what I see as their ‘sweet spot’ 5-15 years from the vintage. One way to be able to enjoy them more often during that entire period is to get into our futures program. They are offered in the summer. Discount is significant and you end up with a case (or multiples) to peck away at over the years.
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My usual pat answer is to go for the oldest, as it has had more of a chance to develop bottle perfumes. In this particular case, I also think the 2020 has been really lovely and showing its depth nicely. Consider consuming this over several days to let oxygen continue to open the doors to the wine’s many facets.
If you’re in the mood for more upfront juicy fruit with a strong salivary response, either 21 or 22 will scratch that itch.
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Thank you for your purchase. And THANK YOU for all that you and the rest do to support this community, front to back, producer to consumer.
It’s wise to obey the warden. Your time served will go more smoothly.
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Fred is also a proponent of tasting these over a few days.
Ditto on the futures program. You will get a low-key email announcement in the summer. Fred sometimes has a bit of “Shale Terrace” Zin on futures as well. Jump on it immediately.
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Definitely into nursing these younger vintages over several days…