One of my partners is thinking of buying a Eurocave. Any thoughts - good or bad experiences with them, etc.
One of my partners is thinking of buying a Eurocave. Any thoughts - good or bad experiences with them, etc.
I got a bunch used ones thanks to Maureen and they seem to work very well. I like the minimalist appearance and quietness. I don’t think you can get close to the maximum capacity though.
I have two used ones. They work well and are absolutely silent (one is in a guest room, and no complaints from even the most sensitive ears). It is shelf racking rather than grid racking so not so easy to find and pluck out single bottles, better for multiples. On the other hand, while a large number of shelves makes it easier to find things it lowers the capacity a lot.
Purchased my first in 1982. Loved it then. Went to Vinoteque: not so much love. Got me another Eurocave in 2007. In love again.
I have been very happy with mine as well.
Add me to the “happy” group. I have 4 used ones that have held up wonderfully for the past 8 years that I’ve had them.
Almost ten years. No problem except a burned-out temperature light.
Love both of mine. They have been quietly cooling my wines for >10yrs without issue…Gary
Have had one for over 10 years, still going strong, and just bought a new one. Happy customer.
My exact sentiments. I’ve had one for thirteen years now with(knock on wood) no problems yet. Very quiet and reliable, but you don’t get as many bottles in as with a unit with dedicated racks.
I’ve got two, one of which broke (after 7 years, was the cooling mechanism inside the wall of the cabinet, totally unrepairable…).
Eurocave replaced it at wholesale cost to me (i.e. half retail) even though it was long out of warranty, so kudos to them for that.
I now have replaced the shelves with the bigger Champagne shelves, holds less, but I get better, slide out shelves that fit even the biggest of bottles…
Can you guys give us an estimate of what the realistic capacity is?
Can you guys give us an estimate of what the realistic capacity is?
Mine’s a 250 unit and holds about 210-215 bottles as most aren’t Bordeaux bottles.
I have the V266 model which says it holds 223 bottles. In bulk storage mode (which is not friendly to daily use and easy retrieval), I average 195-205 bottles. If you do not do bulk storage and put as many pull out shelves as you can, it greatly reduces the capacity.
Bulk storage mode is kind of crappy because you have a whole bunch of bottles stacked on top of each other, and you have to hope they don’t fall out. Also, some will inevitably come to rest against the back wall, which is a nono (bottles will get wet)
The shelves really are the best solution. They also make it much easier to find bottles or just to browse. For me, I was getting somewhere around 160 per unit.
I’m about 125- 140, but with big shelves as I said, also I don’t overfill it, as I did this once, and the lack of airflow (plus I think some bottles were touching the back) meant the labels all went really moldy…
Btw, I should mention I don’t have pull out shelves, just four shelves that I stack on.
They’re much more expensive on a per-bottle basis than the various brands of cabinets with racks and removable cooling units.
I just had to replace a broken Breezaire in my Le Cache cabinet and if it had been a Eurocave the whole thing would have needed replacing rather than just the cooling unit.
10+ yrs of a ‘comfort 160’ with no issues to date. You do need to change the charcoal filter every 6-12 months. ~$25.00 IIRC
They’re much more expensive on a per-bottle basis than the various brands of cabinets with racks and removable cooling units.
I just had to replace a broken Breezaire in my Le Cache cabinet and if it had been a Eurocave the whole thing would have needed replacing rather than just the cooling unit.
I’ve had my Eurocave 283 since April 2006 and have had no problems.
However, in hindsight, I wish I had purchased a Le Cache because I prefer the looks, increased capacity, and ability to change out the cooling unit.
Might buy one this year.