EuroCave Confort repair

Hi folks, sorry that my first post is a cry for help!

I have an old EuroCave Confort Eurotheque 3-temp unit. It stopped cooling, and so I’m going to try swapping out the thermostats. I got the parts from Wine Enthusiast, but I’m embarrassed to say that I can’t figure out how to get the control panel open!

There are 2 screws under the leading edge that release it from the top of the unit.
And there’s a screw on each side that would seem to release the top metal panel of the control box from the rest of it. But after removing them, it still won’t come apart.

Have I overlooked some other fasteners? Do I just need to pry/press harder in some spot? Does anyone have the knowledge to point me in the right direction?

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Did you try searching utube?

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Yes, not finding anything helpful. (Maybe my search technique stinks…)

Try Wine Enthusiast tech support

I have. Alas, they’re being spectacularly unhelpful, taking days between responses, in each of which a new person asks me what I need help with.

There are a lot of threads on the board indicating their support is unhelpful.

I have two of these units (and used to have a third until it broke) but I’ve never tried to mess with that board. You have confirmed it’s not the compressor, correct? The Comfort series has a “test” switch that your turn on and you’ll see a green and orange light turn on when it’s pressed. The new ones don’t seem to have that function.

I’m just a bit surprised the thermostat would be the issue, though there’s other threads saying the control boards can fail.

Yeah, I’m not sure it’s the thermostat, but that’s the only replacement part available, so I might as well try.
WE support told me that the rest of it is a sealed system, and unlikely that a general fridge repair tech would be able to successfully replace the compressor at a reasonable cost.