Hi all,
I am purchasing my first wine cellar and am looking at the Eurocave Comfort 266 and Eurocave Chamber, which I know holds less. I want a quality unit but not too expensive and it doesnt need to be fancy - it will be placed in my garage. Needs to be flexible so it can store some birth year magnums for my kids, and about 120 plus bottles. Would welcome your thoughts on either unit or, if you think another unit would be better, would welcome that information too. Appreciate the help - thanks much.
To quote from Jaws, you are going to need a bigger boat. Get something for 250-300 bottles.
Bigger is better. Garage use is best with solid door. Eurocave is a great unit all around. Check wineenthusiast for scratch dent units. Sometimes with free ship.
… Oh, and welcome to the board.
I have both models and would suggest the Comfort. Both are great units for storing, however, the Chamber does not accommodate larger bottles very well. In my case, that would all burgundies and Cali cabs. Knowing what I know now, I would have spent the extra to upgrade.
By the way, not sure where you are located, but neither seem to be garage worthy for my place. I believe they have issues above 90 degrees ambient, thus they are inside.
Thanks all. Appreciate the advice. I live in San Francisco - it’s 90 degrees about 1-2 days a year
i have two comforts and recommend them highly. i use bulk storage shelves to maximize space.
agreed with earlier post - you’re going to need a bigger boat.
I wouldn’t buy any Eurocave product.
The bulk shelving is a disaster.
The cooling units can not be replaced, buy a unit with a replaceable cooling system, I’m a fan of LeCache. Make sure you get an upgraded cooling system if you use it in your garage.