Epic OL 3/24 CANCELLED going to Joe's

I got a call from David and Epic wants $2000 spent for the room or some such nonsense

Screw them

I’m think am early meeting at Joe’s Stone Crab ?? 5:30-6PM

I’ll write a separate note

We are now 15 people

Confirmed … to date…

wines will be posted soon Those who have not yet posted their wines ,if you could, post soon. It would be helpful. Thoughts about doing flights and in what order to serve the wine when the list is complete.

Lew/ Nancy
Keith/ Eve
Howard /Holly
John (1 only)

Room for up to one more

CANCELLED at this site

As Soon As Possible


Bump so the cancelation s visable

Joe’s is a block from my high rise ! I will be there, even if it’s at 5:30pm… I call that lunch.

John Hilliard

So you are hosting the post OL? [wow.gif] [cheers.gif] [swoon.gif]