En primeur credibility 'damaged': survey ( New Article posted by admin)

There has been a new article or blog post on Wine Berserkers titled ‘En primeur credibility ‘damaged’: survey’ by admin

Click http://wineberserkers.com/content/?p=1027 to view the entire article. The full text is also incuded below.

Decanter has a news item on en primeur wine sales. An excerpt:
The fine wine market is expected to grow 10% over the year, according to survey of wine professionals worldwide - but doubts remain as to the viability of en primeur.

The Fine Wine Market Outlook 2012, a survey of 120 wine merchants, auction houses and investment fund managers, has reported a largely upbeat view of the investment market for 2012, with only 12% of respondents expecting further significant price drops.
Click here to read more.

Link to article: http://wineberserkers.com/content/?p=1027