Dublere questions

There’s been some noise about Dublere here on the board in spots, but nothing in real detail. What’s their story, and overall assessment of their wines and style? There’s access via envoyer, but I’m not sure how excited to get about them (same issue with Gaunoux). Prices are awfully good for some quality vineyards. Does that mean they are middling wines, or just under the radar? I’ve had exactly one (2008 volnay Taillepieds–Pure wine with a little oak–seemed to simple out with air–nice but not on a par with top producers’ wines from this vineyard. Perhaps it was closing down or perhaps it was this particular vineyard, which can underwhelm early).

He is an american. I think his greatest focus is on his whites but his Pinot is very much my style: elegant, pretty and pure.

Gaunoux makes serious, long lived wines meant for the cellar.

I plan to buy more of both.

I have some Gaunoux, and it is certainly long lived. I haven’t yet decided how truly great the wines are, as my 99’s are still just too young. (eg do you spend $100-120 on one of the pommards, or do you stick with things like D’Angerville for lesser or similar prices). Dublere is cheaper, and it would be wonderful if it’s truly under the radar great stuff.

FWIW, a 1959 Gaunoux Pommard Grand Epenots that I acquired via auction about 12 years ago and drank last year was terrific (and definitely worth what I paid, which was next to nothing).

Sadly, that bottle is $500 now…

It really depends what one is looking for. If you are looking for “wow” high impact wines, they probably would not excite you. They are more in the purity and elegance camp. Some people are just not looking for that type of burgundy. Ive only had a few but they are almost exactly what I want in Volnay.

I’ve had a couple of 08 Dublere Taillepieds and have not been wowed. I’ve also got some 09 Dublere Taillepieds pending, both from Envoyer. Unless the 09 really impresses me, I’m gonna stop purchasing Dublere and stick to Lafarge and D’angerville for my Volnay fix. Great prices tho. I went deep on the Gaunoux offerings from Envoyer. Really like these wines. Gaunoux and Comte Armand are the primary Pommard producers in my cellar.

Love Gaunoux. Just well crafted, structured, “almost” rustic burgundy that just really has a wonderful style. Try to but can’t keep my hands off the 99’s i have.

For what it’s worth, here are notes on two Dubleres I had (by the glass) at Ma Cuisine in Beaune this month:

2007 Dom. Dublere Savigny Les Beaune Blanc Les Peuillets: Slightly sulfury, seashell/mineral nose. Not spritzy but feels a bit on the edge, a little sharp. Later: Nice lemon & straw nose, pleasing “friction” in the texture, still just a hair of sharpness.

2007 Dom. Dublere Beaune Blanche Fleurs Rouge: Tight nose, also a bit sulfury. Bit of earth and slate. Opens to flowers and dark-toned black cherry. A hint of weed in the nose. Some gripping tannin in the finish but drinking quite well. Could benefit from cellar time, though.

I was eating the roast pigeon and my note said that for a while the Beaune started to smell like the pigeon, which seems like a good thing, unless I was hallucinating.

The way I have kept my hands off of most of my 1999s is by buying 1995s and 1996s from Envoyer.

I recently drank both the 08 Bourgogne white and 08 Pitures Volnay on T-Giving. The white for me was one of those “this is not what I expected, but man is this good” and the Pitures was as others have stated about the reds: elegant, balanced. I have some of the Taillepieds, yet to drink it but Joe and I seem to resonate on similar wines so I wonder how I wil like it, given his comment. I have yet to try the higher end climats but from just these two I noted above, I have very much enjoyed what I have found.

My experience has been much like yours, and I also have some 09 Taillepieds pending–worth a try at that price, and our reviewers have been positive.

My only experience is that I bought a couple bottles of 2006 Domaine Dublère Volnay 1er Cru Pitures at one of the JJB 30-50% off sales this year. I think I got them for about $25@.

I tried one back in October, and it was very much as others have described the style above – understated, elegant and feminine in style. It’s definitely not a wine to win the blind tasting shootout with, but I was very pleased with the wine, particularly at the price.

Maybe because he is American, but the 2006 Pitures, tastes about as new world as any red burg I’ve had. Not extracted, overoaked - just cola and pruny flavors that are more typical in pinots from OR and NZ. It’s a decent wine and I’ve certainly had worse burgs for the money, but it’s not what I look for in a red burg. Might be one and done with this producer.

Hi John,
I have very much enjoyed his 08 Beaune ‘Blanches Fleurs’, MSD ‘Blanchards’ and SLB ‘Talmettes’ with each wine showing lovely pure fruit. These are pretty, light, fragrant wines, if you are looking for a bit of grunt and flesh then they may not be what you are looking for.
Best Regards

Thanks, jeremy. My cellar is mostly Drouhin, d"Angerville, Pavelot, Bize. I prefer a ‘powerfully pretty’ style of burg. So I’m not put off by a lighter style. But I want typicity and acid and definition. 2008 was right up my alley. Again, for me the jury is out till I have a chance to try some more. It would be great if this was a new under the radar quality producer for, god forbid, a reasonable price.

$35 offer today from Envoyer.

I recently took delivery of my 09 Taillepieds. I’m gonna pop one soon to see if it’s as bad as Levenberg says it is. I passed on today’s offer, but was tempted after reading Frank’s note on it in CT. I wanna see how the 09 Taillepieds shows before buying more Dublere.

What was the offer? I have had problems getting e-mails from them (not sure why).

FWIW, I bought a smattering of Dublere from the JJB sale just before the new year based solely on your descriptors.

Hopefully you like them! Its not a style of everyone but Im a fan.

The offer was actually $30 for the 2008 ‘Pitures’. Pre arrival.